The End of the World we know it
A truly fascinating subject, talked about and discussed in many environments, be it spiritual or philosophical. Some predictions describe a period of great suffering, as if a punishment for passed sins. In others, it marks a time where the suffering ends and the Heaven on Earth that is referred to in the various scriptures becomes a reality. Either way, for most, it's all a bit far fetched. It certainly was for me for a long time.
Barry Long
Links to original audio from 1985:
Barry describes how there would be a massive clearing out of the personal and communal psyche, of the negativity and dense vibrations, in the very near future (in 1985). The people already above that level would be OK. Those on the cusp or just below would have a difficult time adapting to the finer energies, but would make it. And the others will just not have the ability to make the shift. And he describes great suffering as the changes occur.
David Buckland
Then early in 2019 I watched an interview on the channel
from 2015 with a man called David Buckland. David has an honorary doctorate in Vedic teachings and speaks in depth about the stages of spiritual enlightenment. But either in the interview or in his own book ‘Your Natural Potential’, I forget which, David also referred to a major shift which is about to occur to the planet as a whole.
Ramaji - '1000'
The entire population of the earth is being powerfully pulled up to the 600s and beyond. As the energies of consciousness accelerate on this planet, it will be "World Peace — Or Bust!" Our planet rushes towards its non-dual enlightenment at 645.
This acceleration of LOC by our planetary logos is intensely demanding on its human inhabitants. It is unprecedented in recorded human history. If we allow it, our LOC will rise with it. It is the greatest free ride of all time. The gate is open. The window of spiritual opportunity has arrived. This is it. The LOC of Gaia, the World Soul, Is Moving Up Quickly...
At the time of this writing June 2019, She is at LOC 614! My guess is that by sometime in 2020 she will be at LOC 645 or higher. This means that a stable non-dual frequency will be firmly established on the Earth’s surface where we live!
Please take heart. Even if things look very dark to you, with the Earth Herself at LOC 645 firmly established in awakening, it simply cannot be business as usual for the old forces and structures. They must fall. They will pass away. The New Earth is coming. The planetary rebirth – peace – is on its way...
At the time of this writing, it is 2019. There is still time. But that will change. In the not too distant future, the spiritual clock will run out of time. The alarm will sound. The old will end. The new will begin. The New Spiritual Earth will appear.
You are very fortunate to be on our planet at this time. Please make the most of it. You will be amazed by the years that are soon to come. You will see things you could not have even imagined. Even Hollywood has not imagined these things.
Get ready. This is all coming very soon. Surrender your heart to God now. Surrender your will to God now. Do not wait. If you wait too long, it will be too late. This is it. This the time.
Do it now. Take spiritual action now. You have your body today. Make the best use of it. Stay awake. Act now today. Do not be passive. Walk the razor's edge. Take action. Go all out. Make maximum effort. Take risks. Go for it. Wake up!”
Dolores Cannon - The Convoluted Universe Series
Her books, many of which are quite substantial in size but are really easy and enjoyable to read, are mostly transcripts of the sessions.
She published 19 books during her life, on a variety of subjects. Over the last 12 months we’ve enjoyed the series of 5 books, ‘The Convoluted Universe’ (as pictured above); though the book entitled, ‘Custodians: Beyond Abduction’ is often regarded as the prequel to the series, and the name of the series perhaps provides a glimpse of what may be included...!
She also has a book specifically on the subject, entitled, 'The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth' about the changes. But I found the information spread throughout the above CU series more in depth.
And it’s absolutely fascinating, and in-keeping with what many of us already know and yet it expands the information in so many ways, often way beyond the imagination. But furthermore, Dolores is told many times of this shift in vibration which is fast approaching, and that it will cause enormous changes in the way we live. And also, she is repeatedly told that many people will not make the shift to the higher vibration, as per the descriptions of others. Though, it’s as much a choice as anything, since one on a denser vibration wouldn’t want to move up yet anyway - though everyone gets there in the end. Since it’s all one, as we know.
Dolores is told that the ancient Mayans raised their vibration en masse, in which the entire civilisation left this denser level, and so the people appeared to suddenly disappear. And something similar is happening now, but to the Earth itself. And it is said that it’s happening whether we as a people go with it or not. And apparently it’s never happened before, to an entire planet. So it is said it’s a very exciting time to be alive.
Planetary Change
Then very recently a friend mentioned that it’s has been said that the planets are telling a similar story, for those interested in astrology. Here’s one such example that was sent to us:
Time To Raise Your Vibrations - Albert Vasilevich SKVORTSOV
Then only today whilst sitting preparing the above text for this page a post was shared to a Facebook group, at the time intended to be specifically about the current Covid-19 situation and related to raising ones vibration so as to combat it. Though it also offered some real-world examples with the measurements displayed in Hertz as well as the general benefits of doing so. So I did further exploration and found the website linked to below with fascinating information supported by scientific knowledge, published by the following man:
Quotes from this (remarkably long)
page, written it seems some time prior to 2012 :
We are all experiencing a historical time when our home planet Earth changes its vibrations, gradually increasing them.
Human activities on the surface of the Earth brought a lot of troubles to the home planet: natural resources are depleted, and this process is gaining momentum as the ways to obtain the energies that humanity uses are destructive in nature.
A person uses aggressive technologies to ensure his life, trying to satisfy his ever-increasing needs. Thus, a person destroys, first of all, himself, breaking the laws of nature, and breaking stable bonds in it. To avoid complete destruction, the Earth is forced to defend itself, it increases its vibrations. And in the coming years, vibrations will increase. We humans, if we want to save life for ourselves and our descendants, we must increase our vibrations, because they are related to the Earth, because we are all her children.
In luminiferous vibrational technologies, there is a classification of vibrations entering into the subtle bodies of Man (Skvortsov A.V. Khmelinskaya E.V. Messengers of the Far Worlds, p. 67). These are creative vibrations, that is, the highest, highest and highest, where the norm is 100 percent and higher for each species. And destructive vibrations: the lowest, lowest, lowest, which, in principle, should not be in Man.
According to the test results, at present, the lowest vibrations are present in the range: above 0 and up to 2.7 hertz; the lowest - over 2.7 and up to 9.7 hertz; low - over 9.7 and up to 26 hertz; high - over 26 and up to 56 hertz; higher - over 56 and up to 115 hertz; the highest - over 115 and up to 205 hertz; (over 205 hertz - crystal vibrations or vibrations of a new, 6th race on planet Earth).
When do destructive vibrations occur? It turns out that they appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions...
[Here, Albert shares a lot of examples as to exactly how negativity lowers our vibration in Hz and even how what we think and do increases it. But it was far to much to copy and paste, so please do visit the site and have a thorough read. It is fascinating.]
...When do destructive vibrations occur? It turns out that they appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions.
...If a person lives with positive feelings, then he has completely different vibrations:
So a person succeeds in life when his average vibrations steadily keep vibrations from 70 hertz and higher.
Unfortunately, so far, with the exception of rare units, the bulk of humanity contains in its subtle bodies the entire spectrum of destructive vibrations and a small amount of creative vibrations far from the norm!
According to Albert Vasilievich Skvortsov's laboratory (90s of the last century), health vibrations began at 40 hertz.
Now the vibrations of the Earth have increased and at least 50 hertz is required for more or less satisfactory health.
From the above material, a simple conclusion can be made: accepting the World as it is, living with love for people, nature, the home planet, directing our activities and thoughts to creation (just as a person can create with his thoughts) is the key to health and to success.
In the coming years, this will be of utmost importance for survival. The process of further growth of the Earth's vibrations is not reversible. Vibrations will gradually increase and in 2012 will reach a maximum. A man must also increase his vibrations - otherwise he will not stand.
[Perhaps interestingly, Delores was told of the year 2012 as well. Apparently it was the end of the Mayan calendar, interpreted by many prior to the year as marking the end of the world, but actually signifying the end of a cycle or period; and thus the beginning of a new era.]
We, depending on age, consist of 70 to 90 percent of water.
Water is a wonderful substance that “sees”, “hears”, “remembers”, and “reads” information. We can declare our body love, ask it to recover and recover, express our intention to be healthy, putting the energy of desire into it, and he will hear us. Man is able to restore his Spirit, heal the Soul and restore his physical body. Moreover, he is able to safely, together with the Earth, enter after the year 2012 into the 5th dimension. But time is short, you need to hurry.
[And it is the 5th dimension that others talk about too.]
Personally, I’m not psychic, and have no such information of my own to share. But with so much freely available shared by others, it looks like there’s quite enough to be getting on with for now, at least.
So, stay positive, sit back and watch the show.
OK, so a few words from me:
Actually, Barry used to talk at some length about speeding up ones intelligence, in the sense that one becomes present and fully conscious, especially when the dense energy of emotion is present, quicker and quicker. And this is achieved through holding onto the awareness or 'I am' as much as possible, but ESPECIALLY when emotion arises. And indeed this is what I teach. (Many videos about it on our
And doing this with dedication steadily raises ones level of consciousness, and speeds up the intelligence and 'sense of being'. But besides this, absolutely, one gets back what one puts in. So if you put negativity into your mind, thinking and worrying, blaming and fearing, then of course your level will be denser, heavier. And likewise, appreciating, consciously enjoying, positively caring, kindly giving, selflessly helping, will all assist in raising ones level. And also, reading books and listening to and watching videos that are positive and further broaden your mind, such as those described above on this page, can greatly help too.
So if it is your wish to to raise your own vibration, or LOC, or vibration, I think you now have the information you need to begin working on it. (Just don't leave it too long to get started, because apparently the time is now, according to all sources.)
Page written early 2020