We would prefer please that you have watched some of the videos and read at least one of Nick's books, even if it's the free pdf.
The above request is so as to avoid Nick having to try to explain it all again, whereas the above booklet describes the process in a very simple way and should answer many questions.
If you would like to enquire about a Skype meeting, please visit the following page: Skype Meetings
If you require a postal address to contact Nick, please email or use the form below to enquire.
To contact Nick, the quickest way is through the Facebook
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Nick Roach Teachings does not have a marketing department nor a team of sales people helping to get Nick's work out to the people. Instead, any costs are carried by the small amount of income from the books & MP3s and subsidised where necessary by Nick & Sally. Therefore, if you are able to offer any assistance, financial or otherwise, we would love to hear from you.
If you would like to make a financial donation, that would be most welcome too.